In association with

IAM RoadSmart

ECM Tour Talk

Thank you to Eric from ECM Tours for a brilliant talk at Ashurst Village Hall yesterday, Sunday 17th on how to plan for a tour and what you should take with you. He laid out his touring kit on the table in front of us and went through each item explaining why its a good idea to take it with you including Information about yourself, medication, blood group, health, and bike insurance, contact for next of kin etc that would be helpful in case of accident, particularly if your unconscious and others have to deal with you and your bike. Is there over six months on your passport before you travel? Crit’Air clean air stickers – you need this for driving in France, cost you around £6 but if you don’t have one and you enter a zone you may be libel for a fine of up to 135 euros.

How are your tyres before you travel, are they good enough to last the distance of the trip your planning to go on, if not fit a new pair for the journey. Before any trip Eric will asks his riders to do this. On a previous tour he took a group to the southern end of Spain and at this point noticed one of the riders had a bald, down to the canvas rear tyre. The trouble and delay of finding a replacement for all on that trip ruined that part of the holiday so a full bike check before your due to leave is a must.
A puncture outfit. You don’t want to be stuck on the side of the road for hours if you can fix it yourself and get you back on your way, or a lease to the nearest garage. What tools to take including the various tapes and cable ties, Medical kit, hi vis vest and much more all packed in a separate bag from your clothing so you don’t have to unpack unless required in an emergency.

Eric’s talk was Interesting, informative and at times amusing, Eric has a very easy, natural way of passing on insightful information which could be applied to any motorcycle ride out you might go on.

Contact Eric on 07979 805569